Omnicrobe is a database of habitats, phenotypes and uses
The Omnicrobe database gathers comprehensive information on habitats, phenotypes and usages of microorganisms as automatically extracted from text sources (PubMed, GenBank, DSMZ, CIRM-BIA, CIRM-CFBP, CIRM-Levures). The search offers you access to the information and their sources. More information.

Where does a microbe live?
Search Taxon lives in Habitat
Which microbes can be found in a given habitat?
Search Habitat contains Taxon
What are the phenotypes of a given microbe?
Search Taxon exhibits Phenotype
Which microbes have this phenotype?
Search Phenotype is exhibited by Taxon
For which use is this microbe studied?
Search Taxon studied for Use
Which microbe is involved in this use?
Search Use involves TaxonWeb services
Using the API is recommended for the export of large set of data.
The Omnicrobe database and the associated data are free of use, available under the CC-BY license. If you share or adapt it, you must give appropriate credit i.e. provide a link to the license, indicate if changes were made and cite the paper:
Dérozier S, Bossy R, Deléger L, Ba M, Chaix E, et al. (2023) Omnicrobe, an open-access database of microbial habitats and phenotypes using a comprehensive text mining and data fusion approach. PLOS ONE 18(1): e0272473.